Cosmetic Tattooing or Semi-Permanent Makeup is NOT for everyone. This is NOT an impulse or trending item, this is an investment. It is your responsibility to read, understand, and contact us if you have any questions PRIOR to booking. WE are here for you & only want what's best for you with amazing lasting results!

DO YOU OFFER CONSULTATIONS?  Consultations take place during the Initial Appointment as a part of the process where we go over: Shape, Design, Color(s), Expectations, & Long Term Care. The information on this website serves as a pre-consultation and will answer most (if not all) questions and concerns you may have. Please feel free to text the studio clear pictures(no makeup up on area inquiring about) with any additional questions or concerns you may have at (832)977-7095 prior to booking an appointment to ensure I can meet your expectations. Due to the volume of inquires, text messaging is the only way to communicate at this time.

CAN I GET MY BROW, EYES, & OR LIPS TATTOOED BY YOU IF I HAD THEM PREVIOUSLY DONE ELSEWHERE? The Artist is NOT accepting rework of any kind. Please visit the Policies Page for further information.

Pricing can be found on the “Artist | Pricing” page, please don’t forget to read “Disclaimer’s” below.

Gift Cards can be purchased at the studio and include gift box, stickers & NB seal for a personal touch. Contact the studio to schedule a pickup. Click the button below to be redirected to the E-Gift Certificate page to purchase an electronic gift certificate.

CAN MEN GET COSMETIC TATTOOING? Absolutely! Cosmetic tattooing is for everyone and is customizable for a super natural, undetectable look for men.


  • Under the age of 18, regardless of legal guardian or parental consent, it is illegal in the state of Texas.

  • Brows, Lips, or Eyes previously Microbladed/Tattooed. Please see “Policies” page.

  • Pregnant, nursing, or trying to get pregnant.

  • Taking Antibiotics. Must be off antibiotics 2 weeks prior & post procedure(4 weeks total). Antibiotics will significantly lighten or reject the pigment.

  • Skin conditions: Keloid(abnormal scarring), Psoriasis, Dermatitis & Rosacea.

  • Sensitivities to dyes, pigments, inks, or local anesthetics.

  • On blood thinners(Adderall, ibuprofen, fish oil, aspirin, caffiene, weight loss and energy supplments etc…) Must be off oil supplements 1-2 weeks prior & all other thinners 3 Days prior to procedure(refer to pre-care page).

  • Have infections and/or diseases or are sick(cold/flu).

  • You have any thyroid disease(pigment may not retain properly or turn gray/ashy) Thyroid diseases do NOT disqualify you, however, this information allows you to make a more informed decision.

  • Sunburnt on face(must have healthy, non damaged, non flaking skin).

  • Epilepsy.

  • Hemophilia.

  • Birthmark/Mole on the area to be tattooed(tattooing will be worked around the area).

  • Brow Hair Transplants. Microblading or Hyperrealism will not work with this hair follicle.

  • Breakouts, open wound, or scabs on or near the area to be tattooed.

  • You have had recent surgery and unable to lay on back for 2+ hours.

  • You cannot avoid sweating, sun exposure, hot showers(steam), saunas, or large bodies of water for 7-10 days.

  • Oily skin types or Fitness Enthusiasts(you may not hold color & strokes. High chance they will turn very solid & powdery, not achieving the hairlike effect of Microblading).

  • Textured skin(Large Pores). Microblading & Hyperrealism Brows will not work. Strokes will take on the texture of the skin not achieving a hair like effect, but a solid powder effect.

  • As per Texas State Health Department & Licensing/Regulations on narcotics, alcohol, & prescription drugs; Native Brows will NOT perform procedures on those who are taking the following prescribed medications: Lamotrigine, Xanax, Clonazepam, Venlafaxine, Anaprox DS 550(ANY & ALL blood thinners). You MUST be in a healthy, clear state of mind before undergoing ANY procedure.

Cosmetic tattooing, also referred to as semi-permanent makeup or micropigmentation, is the process of implanting color pigment beneath the surface of the skin by means of tiny, sterile, disposable needles to produce the appearance of hair strokes(Microblading), soft natural makeup, or to enhance the natural features of the face & body. Cosmetic Tattooing can last anywhere from 1-5years making it “SEMI-Permanent” allowing for any adjustments needed over time. Native Brows uses soft natural semi-permanent techniques, these techniques are NOT permanent, will fade in time, therefore it will NOT replace makeup.

The purpose of cosmetic tattooing is to enhance the natural features of a client. Cosmetic tattooing is softer, more subtle, and semi-permanent(it is meant to be a natural-looking enhancement). Body tattoos use ink while cosmetic tattoo procedures involve pigments. These pigments are designed to gently fade over time. Cosmetic tattooing such as Microblading, is tattooed into the epidermal layers(where cell regeneration happens) & not deep into the dermal layers like a standard tattoo, which allows it to be permanent. Fading is desired as it allows the artist to make changes to color and shape over the years as the client’s natural colouration and facial changes occur. 


Phase I(pre procedure) & Phase II(during procedure) numbing agents are used. A highly effective, topical anesthetic cream(phase I) and liquid(phase II) are used for numbing during your procedure. Pain threshold levels vary from person to person and every effort is made to ensure you remain comfortable for the entirety of the procedure. Having this service performed during your menstrual cycle may increase discomfort during your procedure. If you are a frequent smoker, the topical anesthetics used during the treatment will not last as long. If you have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, be aware that this may affect your sensitivity tolerance to the procedure. Please read the “Plan Ahead” page for more information on how to prepare for a more comfortable experience(this is important!).

Cosmetic tattoo treatments are considered semi-permanent and will not wash off, however, they will fade over time(2-5 years) and may need to be refreshed every 2-5 years(depending on genetics and lifestyle). Frequency of touch-ups depends on a number of factors including: diligence of the client towards planning ahead and following aftercare protocols, the pigment color used (lighter colors fade faster-Blondes), lifestyle (sun exposure), skin type (oily or dry), and if any chemical peels (AHA, BHA, Retinols) come into contact with treated areas. Please note that final results CAN NOT be guaranteed as each unique skin type will hold pigments differently and break down at different rates. We will re-evaluate how your skin has received the pigment at your Follow Up appointment and make any changes necessary. Follow Up’s are normal for cosmetic tattoo procedures, with each new procedure requiring at least 2 visits. The initial procedure, then touch up procedure about 6-10 weeks later(depending on service). Refreshers(2-5 year Touch Up’s) cannot be booked any sooner than 18 months following your last session. This is to allow proper recovery of the skin and to avoid overworking/over saturating the skin with pigment or compromising the integrity of your skin.

For all clients, a minimum of two treatments is needed for ALL procedures at least 6-10 weeks apart. With most procedures, the color looks dramatically lighter after the first week or two. Some clients prefer this, while others opt for a bolder look at their follow up session. At your first follow up, we will assess the color retention and make adjustments as necessary. Everyone heals differently and at different rates. If your cosmetic tattoo does not heal perfectly the first time, do not worry! We can always go darker, add more colors, and create more density at your next appointment(Natural Semi-Permanent Makeup is built in layers for more natural, subtle look. NEVER a one & done process. NOT receiving a Touch Up(within 6-10 weeks) will leave your procedure incomplete and not finished & additional cost will apply!
*It is rare, but three treatments( 1 initial and 2 follow ups) may be needed for: those who did not follow aftercare instructions, lighter hair colors, people with autoimmune disorders, oily skin types, color correction, rework, & exercise enthusiasts to achieve dimension and realism. Third session is at the artists discretion. Refreshers(18-24 month Touch Up’s) cannot be booked any sooner than 18 months following your last session. This is to allow proper recovery of the skin, to avoid overworking/over saturating the skin with pigment or compromising the integrity of your skin.


  • NOT properly following the provided pre-care and aftercare instructions. 50% of HEALED results is based on how diligent the client is with following pre-care and aftercare instructions.

  • Sun exposure: The sun will extremely soften the look of your tattoo, so sunblock should be used (once healed) to prolong your enhancement.

  • The regeneration of skin cells: The longer the regeneration takes, the longer the pigment holds.

  • The speed at which the skin absorbs the pigment: The slower the absorption, the longer the pigment will hold.

  • The choice of color: Some colors fade quicker than others, e.g. a blonde color will fade quicker than a dark brown color.

  • The area of treatment: Enhancements to the face, for example, fade more quickly due to constant exposure.

  • Bleeding during the procedure: Any bleeding during the tattooing procedure will reduce the amount of pigment absorption. Alcohol, fish oils, and certain medications act as blood-thinners and should not be taken prior to and following your appointment. If you are on a blood thinner medication, you MUST get an approval from your doctor to lower or eliminate your dose before the procedure.


  • Please see “pre-care” for Microblading.

  • It is recommended to wash your hair before your procedure to help prevent your newly tattooed brows from getting wet during healing(7-10 days). 

  • If you have an ideal shape and color in mind, you may bring a few of Native Brows work from our social media for reference with you to your appointment. Design/colors will be based on skin tone, natural hair color, facial structure, etc... Please be respectful of your Artist, if you do not like the style she offers, please do not book.

  • You may fill in your eyebrows as you normally would so we can take into consideration the shape & color you desire, but it is at the artist discrecton to ultimately determine the outcome.

  • If you regularly get your eyebrows shaped, waxed, threaded or tinted, please do so at least 7-14 days before your appointment. If there are any stray hairs that fall outside of our final shape, we can remove them with a razor.

  • If you plan to go on a vacation, it is recommended to schedule your appointment 14 days prior to your vacation.

  • We require our clients to avoid any blood thinning medication for a minimum of 72 hours prior to their appointment. This includes Vitamin E, Aspirin, Niacin, fish oil supplements, and Ibuprofen.

  • Do not drink any alcohol or consume caffeine 24-48 hours prior to your appointment.

  • Do not exercise prior to your procedure.

  • If you have been on prescription Accutane in the past, you MUST wait at least one year before considering this procedure.

  • It is highly recommended that you avoid SUN and TANNING BED exposure for 30 days BEFORE and AFTER your procedure. If you show up for your appointment with a new tan or a sunburn, you will need to reschedule and will forfeit your deposit. As your skin exfoliates from sunburn, it will take the pigment with it.

  • All facial treatments must be done 2 weeks prior to your appointment & 2 weeks after your appointment to allow the brows to properly heal.

  • If you have any scars that are in the area to be tattooed, the scar must be at least 1 year old(scare tissue holds/heals lighter than healthy tissue, but will achieve a camouflage effect).

Your semi-permanent makeup will appear darker and more intense than expected for the first week(looks like makeup!). This will gradually lighten during the complete healing process, leaving a softer more natural look in the healed skin.

We have detailed aftercare instructions listed on our Plan Ahead/After Care page. It is highly beneficial to follow these instructions to ensure a comfortable healing process and to achieve the best results. Jess will also supply you with an Aftercare Kit/Instructions to take home with you. Improper aftercare will lead to undesirable results that we cannot fix! THIS IS SERIOUS… THIS IS YOUR FACE!


All pigments used are tested for “Light Fastness,” meaning they are stable and will not change color as they fade out over time. During your appointment, we will analyze your skin's undertone to anticipate how pigment colors will fade in the future. We will also mix pigments to ensure color blends well with your existing eyebrow and hair color. The majority of our clients’ cosmetic tattoos stays true to color and lighten/fade naturally over time. There are some cases, however, where colors may fade to different tones according to the individual’s response to the pigments (like lifestyle and iron deficiencies). Many factors affect these changes. At your follow up appointment, we will re-analyze how your body has responded to the initial color. Special formula alteration to correct the color and to prevent further color change is made at this time. Your eyebrow tattoo will eventually look softer and have more of a "powdered" look. This happens with all clients as the skin ages. To keep your hair strokes looking their best, a refresher appointment is suggested every 2-5 years. Results vary with each client. 
Please note that clients with oily skin/large pores will get a softer/powdery result.


A good sunscreen should be applied daily AFTER healing and is required to help keep color true. As with any tattoo, sun exposure will make the color soften faster. 
Fading speed depends on your skin type, lifestyle, sun exposure; pigment color used, broken capillaries, and if any chemical peels were done after your procedure. 
If you are planning a chemical peel, laser treatment or other medical procedure, please inform the technician that you have had a cosmetic tattoo. Careful application must be taken to avoid affecting the tattooed area.


Refreshers(every 2-5 years) are highly recommended to maintain color, shape, and overall fresh appearance. NOT receiving a Refresher Session within the suggested time frames(listed on Pricing Page) will result in an additional cost. These procedures are Semi-Permanent and WILL fade in time. Please do not let your tattoo fade completely before deciding to schedule a refresh(unless advised by the artist), this will be considered a NEW procedure and WILL require additional sessions.

EXISTING CLIENTS: You must be pre-approved in order to schedule an appointment. Please text the studio(832-977-7095) a clear, well lit, full face photo with no makeup on your brows. Any existing work MUST be a minimum of 75% or more faded/lightened in order for new hair strokes to be seen, the skin to not be oversaturated with color, & most importantly…to maintain the integrity of your skin!

PMU is suitable for almost everyone! 
If you are a frequent smoker, your pigment may fade sooner. 
If you are iron deficient or Anemic, your pigment may fade sooner and bleeding/bruising may occur during and after the procedure.


  • Lip blush tattoo brings back your natural lip contour. Just add a little balm and your lips will look like subtle, natural looking tint. This method is soft and fresh; no harsh outlines, just a subtle blush of color to define shape and make lips look naturally plump & flushed! A custom color is mixed for each and every client based on their skin color, undertones and existing lip shade. 

  • Please refer to the SERVICES & PRE CARE/AFTER CARE section.


  • Eyelash Enhancement is NOT eyeliner. Lash Enhancement is pigment(s) placed IN the lash line (not above it). This makes your natural lashes look fuller, darker, and gives your eyes a “pop” without looking heavy or over done. This result is a natural lash enhancement. This allows you to wake up without having to worry about applying mascara or liner (if at all) perfectly in your lash line. Pigments are mixed to match perfectly with your skin tone to give a natural, non-harsh look.

  • Please refer to the PRE CARE/AFTER CARE section.

Absolutely! Native Brows prides themselves in having an immaculate and sterile space. NB only uses single use, disposable needles and supplies from the industry's finest. This means that each set-up for each new client is discarded safely afterwards. Each station is thoroughly disinfected with hospital grade viral cleaners before and after each procedure throughout the day. Native Brows is a Limited Liability Company that is Fully Licensed, Insured, and Blood Borne Pathogen Certified in the State of Texas. Please see “Policies” for new COVID-19 protocols.

Cash or Zelle payments are preferred to avoid additional fees and is appreciated. All other forms will include additional transaction fees.